When done properly, body painting is one of the most fascinating types of art forms. If you look closely at the picture above, you'll notice that the leopard's eyes, cheeks, and chin have been painted on the floor. The back of a female volunteer forms the rest of its face, with her bottom used as the big cat's nose and upper lip.
Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, Craig Tracy decides what to paint when he sees the model's body, using their shape as an inspiration for ideas. Sometimes he takes two days to plan before applying the first splash of paint. Once he figures that out, he spends up to nine hours painstakingly applying water-based paint to his volunteers' bodies before photographing them in unique poses.
"I personally didn't take Bodypainting seriously for five or six years. The day that I finally asked myself ‘why’, why I liked painting on people so much, that led me to... Well,,, What if I take this passionate interest seriously? That one question and a quick Google search changed the course of my life." -Craig Tracy
Body paintingul este o forma de arta ce se intinde pe mii de ani in urma, desi pentru un artist american anume este la fel de relevanta astazi cum a fost dintotdeauna. Craig Tracy picteaza imagini ce-ti taie respiratia pe trupurile modelelor sale inainte de a le fotografia in posturi unice. Colectia de opere de arta poate fi catalogata drept cea mai buna colectie de picturi pe corp din lume.
Un ghepard in plina alergare, o floarea soarelui orbitoare si chiar niste fulgere ce lumineaza peste un ocean involburat sunt doar cateva dintre piesele de rezistenta ce-ti taie respiratia create de catre artistul din New Orleans. Tracy isi trage inspiratia din corpurile voluntarilor sai, adesea decizand ce va picta numai dupa ce ii vede. Folosind culori atragatoare el petrece pana la 9 ore amestecand cu migala vopsele pe baza de apa ce le aplica pe corpurile voluntarilor inainte de a le imortaliza pe pelicula.
In ‘Butterfly’ – o captivanta pictura a unui leopard cu nasul sau sub forma de fluture – Crai Tracy a pictat ochii creaturii sale pe podea. Chipul animalului este format din spatele unei femei voluntar, ce este cu fata la podea. Este atat de bine executata incat cu greu distingi care e pictura pe podea si unde este corpul bine proportionat al femeii.