A unique place on earth – colored hills of Yunnan

In southern China, Yunnan province bordering the countries of Vietnam is one such place and few could imagine there. Apparently broke the story, or rather, the canvas of a painter in love with too many colors, a unique phenomenon on earth that residents and officials in Beijing did not seem to be aware, the fact that the evidence was not included in the circuit interest and the people they lead quiet lives as at least a century ago . In Yunnan province, namely the south-west of Kunming, capital, hills, whose height does not exceed 800 meters, are fully covered by bright colors, in an incredible mix, capable of breathtaking. The reason for this phenomenon is the high concentration of metal ores which, due to long periods of oxidation, gave an unusual red relief. Over all add hundreds of different cultures of Chinese peasants, virtually no plot is left to chance, their colors complementing a landscape that move would have left even the Surrealist painters.
Place looks at the same time, separated from his stories Tolkkien. One of the most beautiful and beloved images is that Chinese peasants are leaving dawn in carts pulled by donkeys, each of the plots cultivated else, depending on the preference of each … It sounds trite when you say that a hill is covered with crops of potato, rapeseed, corn, barley and vegetables. But when you look at everything as a whole, the image resembles one of the most beautiful dream.
Accustomed for centuries to this view, though locals say the best time of day is the beautiful sunset. Then clouds whorls throw light on the hills that transform everything. Only then, they say, can see the true beauty of places.
Also in this area and you will see a strange custom, is to harness the different types of animal carts. Although preferred are donkeys, not many times you see the same yoke pulling a horse and a donkey, a horse or a donkey and a cow with a bull. The reason? I say the same Chinese peasants. As different types of animals have different temperaments, so that when an animal becomes willful, or other rhythm imposes and the method works every time.

In sudul Chinei, in provincia Yunnan , la granita acestei tari cu Vietnamul, se afla un loc cum putini si-ar putea imagina ca exista. Pare rupt din povesti sau, mai degraba, din panzele unui pictor indragostit de prea multe culori, un fenomen unic pe Terra de care localnicii si oficialii de la Beijing nici nu par sa fie constienti, dovada fiind faptul ca zona nu a fost inclusa in circuitele turistice iar oamenii isi duc viata linistita la fel ca acum cel putin un secol....
Locul pare, in acelasi timp, desprins din povestile lui Tolkkien. Una dintre cele mai frumoase si mai indragite imagini este aceea in care taranii chinezi pleaca in zorii zilei, in carute trase de magari, catre parcelele pe care fiecare a cultivat altceva, in functie de preferinta fiecaruia... Suna banal atunci cand spui ca un deal este acoperit de culturi de cartofi, de rapita, de porumb, orz sau legume. Dar atunci cand privesti totul ca un intreg, imaginea se aseamana cu un vis dintre cele mai frumoase...
In provincia Yunnan, mai precis la sud-vest de Kunming, capitala acesteia, dealurile, a caror altitudine nu depaseste 800 de metri, sunt complet acoperite de culori vii, intr-un melanj incredibil, capabil sa iti taie rasuflarea. Motivul acestui fenomen il reprezinta concentratia mare de minereuri feroase care, datorita unei lungi perioade de oxidare, au dat reliefului o neobisnuita culoare rosie. Peste toate se adauga sutele de culturi diferite ale taranilor chinezi, practic nicio parcela nu este lasata la voia intamplarii, culorile acestora intregind un peisaj care i-ar fi lasat muti pana si pe pictorii suprarealisti...
Obisnuiti de secole cu aceasta panorama, localnicii spun totusi ca momentul cel mai frumos al zilei il reprezinta apusul. Atunci, norii sangerii arunca asupra dealurilor o lumina care transforma totul. Doar atunci, spun ei, se poate observa adevarata frumusete a locurilor.
Tot in aceasta zona veti intalni si un obicei ciudat, acela de a inhama la carute animale din specii diferite. Desi preferati sunt magarii, nu de putine ori veti vedea tragand la acelasi jug un cal si un magar, un cal si o vita sau un magar alaturi de un taur. Motivul? Il spun aceeasi tarani chinezi. Fiind din specii diferite, animalele au temperamente diferite, astfel ca, atunci cand un animal devine indaratnic, celalalt ii impune ritmul sau, iar metoda functioneaza de fiecare data....